PANNDT 2025 Award Nominations
Do you know someone who is outstanding in the NDT community and want to recognize their contributions. Please use the form below to nominate them for a PANNDT award.
Awards Process: Awarded every 4 years in conjunction with the PANNDT Conference. Nominations are accepted from any individual using the approved nomination form. Awards will be awarded based on contributions to the NDT community in the Americas with preference being given to individuals who have impacts in multiple or all counties in the region. Nominations will be accepted or rejected by the PANNDT Executive.
PANNDT President’s Award:
Established in 2024, it is given to an NDT practitioner in the Americas who has made outstanding contribution towards NDT. Contributions may be in any area including technical, educational or managerial capacities.
PANNDT Technical Achievement:
This award is given to an individual who has made an outstanding technical contribution to NDT in the Americas. Recipients are selected on the merit of their technical achievement and the resulting paper as published in a recognized technical journal.
PANNDT NDT Research Award
For outstanding and sustained excellence within NDT research and development that has contributed to innovation and/or breakthroughs that have benefited society and industry partners.
NDT Professional of the Year
This award is provided to an individual at an organization who has demonstrated the highest level of technical ability, ethical behaviour, teamwork, and excellence in customer service.
NDT Professional of the Year (Under 30)
This award is provided to an individual at an organization who has demonstrated the highest level of technical ability, ethical behaviour, teamwork, and excellence in customer service. The nominee must be under 30 years old to be eligible.
PANNDT Conference Student Poster Award
This award is provided to a student who presented a poster at the PANNDT Conference. Each student poster presentation is evaluated in several areas by members of the Conference Organizing Committee. The winners are announced at the Conference Gala Banquet and Awards Dinner. Can be multiple awards awarded based on winners and runner-up’s or multiple categories as decided by the Conference Organizing Committee.
We three undersigned individuals, representing the PANNDT region, hereby nominate the individual identified below for consideration for the following award: